
Friday, June 28, 2019

10 interesting facts of the human body?

10 interesting facts of the human body?

Hello guys, you have a lot on our channel World ClassFriends, today we will tell you that 10 interesting people of the human bodyThe fact that you do not believe in hearing, then let's know whoInteresting facts?

1. The thigh bone of our body is 4 times more than concrete

Is strong

2. When we wash our mouth with water, then our hearts

Decreases heartbeat

3. Only 7 seconds to eat food from the mouth to the stomach

looks like

4. Our blood in our body passes 65 times a day from the kidneys

it happens

5. Our blood is filled with saliva 30 to 40 seconds before the vomiting

This happens because of the dangerous acids coming out of our stomach

To be able to save the face, it seems that this vomiting

Indicates so that we can vomit at some place before the vomit

Could go for

6. When we sneeze people, leaving the heart at that time

Our whole body stops working

7. The hair of our body is also made of the same substance from which our

Nails are made

8. Our body can turn from 230 places

9. 200 steps away from our bodies in one step \

Have to put

10 A human body is 7,000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000 Atom

Is made up of (7th Octillion)

Thanks For Reading

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